On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Pete Swanstrom wrote:

>     As a side note, I did manufacture this park sundial out of 304 stainless
> steel, with a brushed finish on the equatorial face.  In four years the
> sundial has attained a light burnished color, which is not unpleasing.  No
> rust spots, just a light brown sheen.  The edge of the shadow from the
> analemmic gnomon on the brushed finish face of dial is distinct, and not at
> all difficult to see.

  That's a pretty good outcome for the steel. Of course, we're not sure
what the effect of centuries of corrosion would bring, but it sounds
promising. Similarly, what about the steels (I don't recall the type
name) used for sculptural works, that quickly develop a dark brown
"rust" layer, which supposedly protects the underlying steel (just as
aluminum, titanium, and stainless steels do) from further progression?

37.28N 121.97W


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