Hi Tony:

    I understand in lime silos, where they convey the lime into the silo by
blowing it through a metal pipe to the top of the silo, that the 90 degree
elbows in the pipe would rapidly erode and fail.  Then someone discovered
that if they intentionally built a small pocket into the outer bend inside
of the elbow, the void would create a vortex that would help divert the
abrasive lime grit around inside the elbow without errosion.

    I wonder if the inscription within your stone has a similar effect,
diverting blowing sand away to outside of the lettering.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sundial Mail List" <sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:41 AM
Subject: Differential Erosion of stone

> Hi again,
> It's never the software! - always the operator!
> Within minutes of sending my previous email I spotted the error in my ftp
> file - a single misplaced uppercase letter.
> You can now see two examples of the extreme wind/sand/salt erosion I
> described at
>  http://www.lindisun.demon.co.uk/erosion-examples/
> Tony Moss
> -


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