
I had no problems with the new site and very much enjoyed looking through it.  The Daylight Savings time point has already been made.  

Have you considered offering a split analemma dial - with one analemma for morning and one for afternoon? Mean time can be directly read with an average accuracy of around 30 seconds all round the dial and the EoT graph can be discarded!

Brian Albinson

John Carmichael wrote:
Hello all,
After a huge amount of work, my new website is finally up and running at
I was very lucky to find a competent webmaster who helped me put this together for a reasonable price. Good webmasters are rare (like good sundial makers). They must have knowledge of the technical aspects of web design AND they must have a good feel for art too. That old left brain/right brain thing.  Maybe this explains why there are so many bad websites out there.
Anyway, please have a look. I'm particularly interested if any of you have problems downloading the four PDF files that describe sundial functions at the bottom of the "Functions" page at If you have problems with these PDFs would you let me know?
Also, any comments on the following would be much appreciated:
1. Do you think it is user friendly for someone who knows nothing about sundials?
2. Do you think it is too complicated or overloaded with too much information?
2. Do you see any errors such as typos, false or misleading information?
Thanks.  We hope you like it.
John L. Carmichael Jr.
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson Arizona 85718
Tel: 520-696-1709
Website: <>

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