soon the second issue of Nicola Severino's

International Gnomonic Bulletin

will be edited and I think I had not been the only one who had difficulties with the enrolment as a member in order to get the permission for a free pdf-download of the magazine and many other articles. I guess not everybody knows about this very interesting new sundial project and not everybody has tried to become a member.

The membership - number is approaching the number 100.

I would like to present a copy of a
Basho - paper-sundial to the Nr. 100 - IGB-member, which I had bought in Nara during my sundial trip to Japan in 1999. Fred Sawyer has written an interesting article about this traditional Japanese travelling - sundial in NASS Compendium of March 2000. You can find it in the internet or join NASS and get the Repository...

Well then, member Nr. 100, whether you live in Australia, South America, near the Arctic Circle or in Iran: A little Basho paper sundial will be yours!

Group home page: 
Group email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

If you have any problems to become a member, contact the editor Nicola Severino directly:

Best regards
Reinhold Kriegler

* ** *** **** ***** ****** *******
Reinhold R. Kriegler
53° 06' 53'' N, 8° 53' 54" E, GMT + 1

Bremen / Deutschland

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