A different problem has bothered me, in this spam-ridden email world we
all live in. Mail from the sundial list was originally addressed such that
the From field was clearly the List. Since the last change, and under the
new mode, the From has been the originator's personal name and address.

This makes it difficult to automatically filter incoming mail into a Save
folder. I have had to manually add each and every List member's name to my
filter rule, or their contribution stays behind in the slop bin. I run
through that bin quickly, several times a day, deleting everything, and
I'm sure I have missed a relevant email on several occasions.
It would be very valuable if the From field simply had either the List
address, sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de or a name, like [Sundial-List] (or
both.) The Reply-to field could be either the List or the originator, as
it is now.

Dave, it isn't necessary to put a marker into the subject or wherever (people could of course directly send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of carbon-copying to it). You just need to expand the filter to check also for sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de in the Cc field. Works here with my client perfectly.

- Daniel


37.277N 121.966W


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