On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Albert Franco wrote:

> Once I read it again, I'll think more on the possiblities of the
> eclipse.  As I recall, though, it didn't seem realistic.  Especially
> with multiple (three?) suns, it seems that a long-term eclipse would be
> almost impossible, and if one were possible it would start very, very
> gradually.  Do you remember the details of the eclipse occuring, and
> whether or not they conform to reality?
> Albert Franco

There wasn't an eclipse, per se. Rather, all (three?) suns rarely but
cyclically ended up setting at once. The resulting full night was a
terrifying experience, exacerbated by the planet being within a globular
cluster. Instead of our uncountable, minute stars, they had a sky full of
objects all much brighter than Venus. Seems like it would negate the full
effect of "night", but hey, that wasn't *really* the point, as you wrote.

37.277N 121.966W


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