Dear Sara,
there is another sundial collection in Frankfurt which is worthwhile to visit.
I should recommend:
Museum für Kunsthandwerk
Schaumannkai 17
Here you will find the Bovius-Sundials from 1718 and 1721.
Is a new coloured foto avaible from your Bovius-Sundial 1718, we talked about?
Kind regards
Klaus Eichholz
Zum Ruhrblick 5
D44797 Bochum
Dear Sara,
there are sundial collections in Frankfurt and nearby in Darmstadt and Fulda which are worthwhile to visit. I should recommend:
Historisches Museum Frankfurt (30 portable dial),
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (14 portable),
Stadtmuseum Fulda (11 portable).
Kind regards
Karlheinz Schalddach

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 10:51 PM
Subject: sundials in the Frankfurt region

Hi friends,
I am going to Frankfurt, Germany on business in mid-February, and am
wondering if there are good collections of sundials (portable or fixed) in
that neighborhood that I might  visit, and whom I should contact locally to
gain access to museum collections.

I am also interested in medieval and early renaissance mirrors, so if any
of you know of collections of those too, please let me know!

Best regards,

Sara Schechner, Ph.D.
David P. Wheatland Curator
Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments
Department of the History of Science
Harvard University, Science Center 251c
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617-496-9542
Fax: 617-496-5932


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