Hello All (particularly the Germans, Swiss & Austrians).
Thanks to Fred Sawyer who supplied the Hans Behrendt videotape and transcript on modern 20th Century stained glass sundials, and Rudolph Hooijenja who translated it, Dave Bell & I have now posted photos and information on all twenty of the stained glass sundials shown on the video.
(actually two of them are in the etched glass section).  You can see them in the Image Archive at   www.stainedglasssundials.com
Of particular interest are the eleven lost sundials designed by a Mr. Iwan Kahn of Bruettisellen (near Zurich Switzerland).  These dials are unique.  Not only are they beautiful works of glass painting art in the old tradition, they also function by means of an attached lens with fiber optic cables!  I don't quite understand how they work yet, but they seem to work something like the fiber optic dial that Mike Shaw made.
To get to the point, we are trying to track down more information on Iwan Kahn and better photos of his lost dials.  We know that he was a member of The German Society of Chronometry and that he displayed some of his dials to that society at their conference in Merten in 1976.  We know he designed these dials, but we don't know if he also painted and assembled them.  We do not know if he is still alive or where his dials are now. 
His dials were featured in a booklet of his that he mentions in his videotape.  I'm sure that this booklet has better photographs than the ones we have.  Here is a photo of the front page: click here: http://advanceassociates.com/Sundials/Stained_Glass/sundials_files/Kahn_Cover.jpg
Do any of you have a copy of this publication that we could scan for better photos?  Would you Germans, Swiss and Austrians please spread the word about the Iwan Kahn information that we need?
John Carmichael
p.s. Have a look at the other 20th century SGS we found on his video.  Some are not lost and are accessible for viewing in person.
John L. Carmichael
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson AZ 85718-4716
Tel: 520-6961709
Sundial Sculptures: http://www.sundialsculptures.com
Stained Glass Sundials: http://www.stainedglasssundials.com

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