Greetings fellow dialists,
For many years on my old computer I've enjoyed viewing Jim Morrison's
"Electric Astrolabe" (and it has lots of useful material for dialists). Now
with my new computer and Windows XP I seem unable to download the programme.
Can anyone offer an expanation and, even more importantly, help? I am
suffering withdrawal symptoms.
Frank, 55N 1W
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Frank, I just tried it, and it seems to wrok OK, with a caveat:

Download was fine, and I saved the installer in my dload directory, as always. Browsed there with Windows Explorer, located the installer (astrolab.exe), and launched it. It opened a DOS shell window, and very rapidly went through some file extraction, etc.
Then it just went away...

Tried again, and it said the files already existed, so it *did* install, but where? Refreshed the dload directory, and didn't see anything new (I sort by Modified date). Re-sorted by file name, and looked around astrolab.exe . Sure enough, it had extracted the files and installed it right there in C:\dload. Not where I would have chosen, but it's there.

The trick would be to save the downloaded installer into a new folder, where you will run Electric Astrolabe from. Double-click to install it, and it will be in that folder. Launch Astro.exe to run....



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