In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          "Th. Taudin Chabot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looks great, a very fine example of what can be done on a website.
> You seem to have the right friends ;-)
> BTW: on the page the link to 
> 'latest projects' doesn't work.
> Thibaud
> At 23:04 20-09-2004, tony moss wrote:
> >Fellow Shadow Watchers,
> >                        You may care to visit my newly-revised wbsite at
> >its previous url < >
> >
> >As well as lots of new material you may be amused, or even amazed, by the
> >clever animation of two of my dials so that they read whatever time your
> >computer clock happens to be showing,  The accompanying text explains why
> >a real sundial would be showing a different time of course.
> >
> >Clicking 'Refresh' sets the dials in motion again or you can choose to
> >see standard time in various time zones unless the sun has set or not yet
> >risen there.
> >
> >All this is the work of 'WGA Website Creations' but in reality Geoff
> >Anderson, a friend from my schooldays, who now lives in Vancouver where
> >he and his wife Pamela create these web wonders.
> >
> >Tony Moss
> >
> >-
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

If you want any websites to be accessible to everyone (using any 'flavour'
of computer system or Browser), then you must ensure that all the pages of
your site comply with the internationally-agreed "W3C" standards for HTML.

I have only checked the 'index' page of your site - but unfortunately this
(and presumably all other pages) don't comply with these standards.  There
is a glaring 'omission', so bad that the 'Validator' (see below) would not
even attempt to continue - and may give problems for non-English speakers.

If your website causes any kind of problem for a visitor, then the chances
are that they would remember it as 'troublesome' - and not visit it again.
In addition, they might even tell other people to avoid visiting the site.

I shall not embarrass you or your web-designer by quoting any faults here,
since you (or indeed anyone else) can check it for themselves, by using an
automatic 'Validator' for this purpose, located at
which will quickly return a helpful 'report' on any website URL you input.

When you have checked it out, then I would recommend that you get together
with your 'web-designer', and ask them to make sure that the pages of your
site fully comply with the "W3C" standards.  If they cannot or will not do
that (attempting to 'fob you off' with excuses), then you should seriously
question them as to why - when, generally speaking, only minor changes may
be necessary.  You could then still have a nice-looking website, and which
can also fully comply with those standards - anything less is being 'lazy'
on the part of the web-designer (although, sadly, this is very prevalent).

Any competent web-designer should automatically include compliance as part
of their overall 'package', and you should insist on this in any contract.
As well as increasing the availability and reliability of your website, it
may also help the 'rankings' allocated to it by Internet 'search engines'.

Apart from anything else, if your website pages DO fully comply with these
standards, then you are entitled to put the "W3C" tick-mark 'logo' on your
website - which lets all visitors know that they should not experience any
problems with the pages, regardless of the computer or Browser being used.

Please note this is NOT intended as any 'criticism' of Tony's website, but
to point-out that the standards exist for a reason - and if anyone decides
to ignore them, then they can expect to have varying degrees of 'problems'
with visitors to the site, so it is better to be "safe rather than sorry".

In fact, my own sundial-related business was previously 'guilty' of having
a non-compliant website until about 1999 - when (due to several complaints
from visitors), I realized the importance of the "W3C" standards for HTML.

Best Regards,

Douglas Hunt.


"MODERN SUNCLOCKS" - 'Human Sundials', using YOUR OWN SHADOW to tell time.

For further details and photographs, see our Website at:

Mail Address: 1 Love Street, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland, KA13 7LQ, UK.

Tel & Fax (UK): 01294 552250.   International Tel & Fax: + 44 1294 552250.
(Telephone at ANY time - we are open 24 hours, and every day of the year).



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