I have seen vague mention of Egyptian obelisks being used as gnomons for sundials, with hours marked on the ground, perhaps as early as 3500 BCE. No details have been given.

If anyone could supply any details (description, location, citation) or could point me in a helpful direction it would be very greatly appreciated.

The only early sun clock I have been able to find comprises a bar casting a shadow on a calibrated cross bar, circa 1500 BCE. The obelisks I have been able to find seem to be only monumental.

I have seen a list of hourly hymns (both day and night) from the temple of Amun-Ra (or Re) at Karnak circa 1500 BCE; the temporal hours must come from somewhere, with the Karnak clepsydra being a possible source for the night hours. Reference: "The Cult of Ra" by Stephen Quirke, 2001, containing hymns published by Jan Assmann.

Gordon Uber
San Diego, California


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