Hello all,
I've been thinking.
For every plane dial of whatever orientation in a given location, there is another location on the planet where a plane horizontal dial has the same orientation with respect to the sun and the Earth's aixs. Sundials don't care about latitude and longitude or about a wall's declination or inclination, only about where the sun is.
So if we can determine this "position of horizontal equivalence" we can calculate the parameters of a simple horizontal dial which will show local apparent time at our original site. We only need the longitude correction.
Here's a way to do it. Picture a spherical triangle with angles P, O and E. P is the Pole, O is the original site, E is the equivalent site. The sides of the triangle are p,o and e, each side opposite its corresponding angle. We know e: it's the original site's co-latitude; we know O: it's the azimuth of the direction in which the surface at the original site faces; and we know p: it's the inclination from the horizontal of the surface at the original site. Picture yourself seizing the dial plate of your dial at the original location and, all the time preserving its orientation, rushing off along the great circle in the direction in which it faces until it becomes horizontal. You will be at the position of horizontal equivalence.
With two sides and an included angle we can solve all the other sides and angles of the spherical triangle. Specifically, o is the co-latitude of the equivalent site; P is the difference in longitude; and E is also important ;-)
Having built your horizontal plane dial at location E, corrected for longitude according to P and nicely rectangular with sides oriented NS/EW, you pick it up and travel back to the original site, O, all the time preserving its orientation with respect to the sun and the Earth's axis. When you get back it fits perfectly on the surface for which you planned it but it's not oriented vertically. It's at an angle, the angle E.
In fact, all of this is implied in Waugh. Chapter 5 ends with a section on using a wedge to position a horizontal dial designed for one latitude at a different latitude. I'm reading that as, "A horizontal plane dial will work anywhere if you orient it right". And in chapter 10 on vertical declining dials he instructs us to calculate the quantity DL, "the difference of longitude" but he doesn't explain it. It's exactly equal to our angle P, the difference of longitude. He also has us calculate the "style distance", the angle through which to turn the gnomon from the vertical. This is angle E.
The advantage of the spherical trignometry solution is, first, I find it easier to understand. Images of little men rushing about the planet are easier for me than raw algebra. And, two, we only have to plug in the walls inclination and we have a universal solution. Waugh can only recommend repeated observation as a way to construct a dial that both "reclines and declines". I'm not criticising Waugh; he's the one who set me off on dialling so I'm pretty protective of him.
A spreadsheet to do the calculations above is astoundingly simple - six lines to do the basics. I can supply one, somewhat raw, if anyone's interested. If all this has been published before then I'm sorry to have put you thorugh it again though I have to say I haven't found it anywhere.
best regards to all,

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