<x-charset windows-1256>I think there are two very similar but slightly 
different mottos here using similar  but distinct verbs

Praetereo - go by, pass by (ae not oe I think)

Pereo - perish, pass away, vanish

The meaning is essentially the same - they [the hours] pass and are reckoned

Perhaps a Latinist can comment on the relation between the two words?


Eheu fugaces, labuntur anni - (labuntur not labantur I think) - derives from 
Horace, Odes 2 14, meaning something like

Alas, the fleeting years slip away

though in the original the proper name of the friend to whom it is addressed 
occurs twice in the middle of it (Postume, "O Postumus"). Another sundial 
connection: from Boswell's Life of Johnson: 

An instance at once of his pensive turn of mind, and his cheerfulness of 
temper, appeared in a little story which he himself told to Mr Langton, when 
they were walking in his garden: 'Here (said he,) I had put a handsome 
sun-dial, with this inscription, Eheu fugaces! which (speaking with a smile) 
was sadly verified, for by the next morning my dial had been carried off.' 

Andrew James

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Bateman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 May 2005 19:43
To: Sundial List
Subject: Latin scholars

Assistance please. I have a motto in Latin that appears to have different 
translations. Which is correct? 

The motto is on a pair of vertical dials and Mrs Gatty (4th edition 1900) gives 
the following PrŮ’tereunt: They pass by Imputantur: They are reckoned 

However, our respected editor, Dr Margaret Stanier gives the same(?) motto as 
Pereunt et Imputantur as (The hours) pass away and are set down to (our) charge 

Margaret, in her small book on Oxford Sundials, shows this motto on the dial at 
All Souls' College and says that it is a quote from Martial's Epigrammata. 

The mottos don't look the same, but given the scope for mis-copying, are they 
supposed to be the identical? 

Comments please, Doug

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