<x-rich>John Carmichael wrote:

<excerpt><fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Here is a simple but
a very practical question that I'm sure many sundial designers have
asked themselves.  I've never heard anybody discuss this topic
before.  Since I've been designing more wall dials lately, this
question often comes up:</smaller></fontfamily>


<bold><fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>How big should a
sundial's hour numerals be so that a person with normal vision can
read them at a known distance?</smaller></fontfamily></bold>


<fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>I am wondering if there might
exist a table of letter readability based on distances and letter
size.  Wouldn't sign makers need to know this?</smaller></fontfamily>


Yes. A good source of information would be ANY major art museum (a
national gallery for example). Contact the exhibitions department
which produces wall texts and labels. 

Maria Brandl



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