
Just follow the details of the sundial experiment by Mark, another
sixth grader.  Instead of the pencil as described, stand a student up 
each hour (or two) as a gnomon and record the shadow position.  

His report of his experiment is in my CLOCKS and TIME pages under 
Education and then Sundial Experiment.  Guaranteed to be correct for 
your latitude and longitude!


You wrote: 

>Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 17:49:15 -0400
>I am trying to find information about how I might construct a sundial 
using a
>person as the gnomon.  I want to do this with my sixth grade students. 


>John Taylor

|      XII | Gordon T. Uber
|    XI    | 3790 El Camino Real, Suite 142
|  X  \   /| Palo Alto, CA 94306-3314
| IX   \ / | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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