Hello Dialist,

I have been looking forward to reading comments about the NASS meeting
on this mail list.  I have quoted the announcement to see any reactions.
I enjoyed the weekend very much.  The variety was good.  It included 
interesting history, solutions to design and dial building problems,
and a lot of interesting people.  The rain was disappointing but my 
pictures came out better than expected.   

The shareware computer program "The Dialist Companion" has been a new
toy along with the "any" latitude dial.  I estimated the moment of 
winter to be December 21 at 7:52:16 CST with the computer companion.
I have also produced the Foster Dial with the world map that was in the
last issue of the Compendium (3-3).  It came out pretty neat.  I want
to enlarge it and mount it.

Cheers,  Warren

Frederick W. Sawyer III wrote:
>             The North American Sundial Society
>        2nd Annual Conference   September 27-28, 1996
>                          at the
> Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
> at Victoria College in the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

> Tentative plans call for visiting dials at Pearson Airport,
> Toronto City Hall, Casa Loma, Victoria College, The School of
> Engineering and Hart House.
> Lectures include Samuel Foster of Gresham College - Fred Sawyer,
> Historic Sundials As Evidence Of Consumer Culture - Sara Schechner
> Genuth, A Mean Time Equatorial Dial With Analemmic Gnomon - E.J.
> Buckler, The Horologium In The Tiberius Manuscript - Robert Kellogg,
> A Portable Astroid Dial - Fred Sawyer, Sundial Design With
> Matrices  - Harold Brandmaier, The Sundial Of Merbaka Church -
> M.E. Mickelson, Sundials On The Internet - Piers Nicholson,
> Designing A Vertical Decliner  - Tom Shepard.

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