Hi dear gnomonists...

Can someone help me with the calculation of the equation of time ?

I use the following equation:

        E = 460 sin M - 592 sin 2 (w+M)  
        in seconds

where M is (360/365.25)(t-t0) with t0 the instant of perihelion crossing
and w the perihelion longitude.

The curve obtained with this curve has the good shape but is a little
shifted. The maximum is the 21 of feb instead of the 11 of feb. The zero
crossings are on 22-april; 30-june and 6-sept instead of 16-april; 15-june
and 2-sept.

I can't find what is wrong... Is it t0 (3 january 1950) ? is it w ?
For w, I use :

        w = 101°13'15" + 6189".T
with T the number of days ( from the 1 january 1900 at 0h ) divided by

I would appreciate any help or results to compare. Thanks a lot.

        Francois Blateyron
(and I wish everybody a happy new year with a lot of sunny days...)

WWW : http://www.fc-net.fr/~frb/welcome.html

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