
         I have a problem that occupies me for a while now. It reminds me of
sundials, so I am posting the next question to this mail-list looking for an
advice. I would also appreciate any information about articles or books
published on this specific problem.

        "In the room of known shape and dimensions, it is required to
determine the area on the wall of known azimuth, where the sunlight that
comes through the sunroof of known dimensions and position (latitude &
longitude), will not hit the wall at any time during the year."

        I understand it is necessary to find out some kind of solar equation
of motion, that would enable for the projections of beams through the
one(picked) corner of the sunroof's opening (for the purpose of simplifying)
to be calculated. All this on basis of lat&long of a sunroof's corner, and
dimensions and azimuth of the wall. Or, to simplify it even more -- to
determine the projections for extremal values of Sun's zenith (for each of
365 days, or some other, fewer interval) -- that would give the area COVERED
by the sunlight -- then the solution is everything OUT OF IT. Of course, the
quality of such approach would mostly depend on a value of azimuth of the wall.

        There are possibly so many different approaches to this, that I feel
a little bit lost. So, any help would be very welcome at this moment: an
advice, some useful literature or even practical help (on accuracy of input
data and necessity of applying the GPS, for instance, having in mind the
required accuracy for projections in range of milimeters!).

        That would be it. If you think you can help me, please feel free to
e-mail me at:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


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