A clever question/answer, Chris.
So I did'nt yet examine my problem.

Hasselt Flanders (Belgium)

Op 8-mei-07, om 01:40 heeft Chris Lusby Taylor het volgende geschreven:

Could you not, just as logically, ask why clocks, watches and normal sundials don't indicate directly the time left until midnight?
Chris Lusby Taylor
51.4N, 1.3W

----- Original Message -----
From: Willy Leenders
To: sundial List
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 11:36 AM
Subject: Italian hours

Italian hours are counted from sunset. One has to take its complement from 24 to know the time left until suntime. Why sundials with Italian hours do'nt indicate directly the result of this calculation? Is there a practical or historical reason?

Hasselt in Flanders (Belgium)



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