I have been half-heartedly attempting -- with my shaky grasp of trigonometry -- to figure out where the sun rises and sets at the Solstices. One should, I think, be able to read this directly off the face of a sundial, given the time of sunrise/sunset on the solstice.

I found a web site with a java applet that will perform that calculation, given your latitude, longitude, time zone, etc. I found another that claimed that the answer is simply (1/cosine * latitude) -- which did not agree with the result from the java applet. I think the applet is probably correct.

Is there a straightforward formula that gives the azimuth of sunrise at the solstice as a function of one's latitude?


At 05:25 AM 12/23/2007, Peter Mayer wrote:
The recent discussion of Newgrange reminded me of a minor, domestic example
from Down Under.
In 2002 we undertook major renovations to our 1880s stone cottage. Among the
major changes (a new storey, etc.) one minor change involved shifting the
location of the east facing door. When, 18 months later, we moved back into the house, we found--to our great delight--that quite inadvertently the door and the passage leading to it were nearly perfectly aligned with the Southern Hemisphere
solstice.  It isn't Newgrange! but the sunrise light flooding in for a brief
period in summer is an arresting experience.
This photo was taken on 20 December (taken early because the weather bureau
correctly predicted clouds and rain on the solstice).  It was taken about 15
minutes after the time of sunrise so that the Sun could clear the trees on the

best Holiday wishes,


Peter Mayer
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