
Not the story of a sun eclipse but of the moon eclipse of August 1617 is showed 
on a beautiful sundial in Rufach, Alsace, France.

At that time and place the redish moon appeared above the surrounding mountains 
and people paniced what had happened with the moon.

It was René Rohr who recalculated the story on the dial to confirm this moon 
eclipse and he took care for the retoration of the dial in 1979.

A picture of the dial is for some time at:

Best wishes, Fer.

Fer J. de Vries

De Zonnewijzerkring


Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hans Clugston 
  To: 'Sundial Mailing List' 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 8:40 PM
  Subject: Eclipses

  My work has kept me away from sundials for a time, but now, in a way, has 
brought me back.  I represent TravelQuest International, the world leader in 
eclipse chasing tours, and got to wondering if there is a list of dials 
commemorating eclipses.  I did not find much from internet searching.  I 
apologize in advance if I missed something before posting this.  If anyone can 
provide a pointer or two, I would appreciate it.

  Hans Clugston




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