On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 8:38 AM, Alison Shields
> Dear Sundial Experts,
> Firstly - very many thanks for all of your replies, to my original
> question about creating an Analemmatic sundial at "Kentwell Hall".
> It was interesting to see responses change, as time went on - from
> initially saying that it was simply not possible, to some 'lateral
> thinking' which could actually fulfill the design envisaged by our
> Mr Phillips (though not really practical, to involve big mirrors).

That's the beauty of Internet bulletin boards! :-) Personally I liked
most Fer's suggestion of using a shadow plane dial as it fulfils the
requirements very closely without the extra hardware. Send us a
photograph when the sundial is finished! Would be nice to see how it
all turned out.



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