Hi Nani,
> I want to know if it is possible  to develop* a mathematical formula 
> * to adjust the hours in a sundials made for a different location. 
> (Different hemisphere and different latitude)
> For example I live in Santa Cruz  (Bolivia, South America ) were there 
> are few  simple stone sundials. I want  to buy beautiful portable 
>  sundials  made in the world and  It would be great if I can adjust 
> them to my local hour.
The first 'problem' you will encouter is that sundials made for 
locations in the northern hemisphere have their numerals running in the 
opposite direction. e.g. a northern hemisphere horizontal dial would be 
numbered clockwise 6,7,8,9,10.11.12,1,2,3,4,5,6.  A dial for the same 
southern latitude would read anticlockwise

You can make a horizontal dial read true at a different latitude by 
tilting the plate so that the gnomon is parallel to the Earth's axis and 
the dial plate is in the same plane as its old location i.e. the dial 
'thinks' it is still back in its original setting.

I have just completed two horizontal dials delineated for 61.5° north to 
be used at latitude 51.5° north (To complex to explain why).  If the 
southern edge of these dial is raised 10° they will read true solar time.

If you have PowerPoint I can send you a slide illustrating this method.

Tony Moss
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial


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