
I am not sure that this is the same problem but, I had the similar problem with 
my software SONNE and DeltaCAD until I found that text files (and dxf files are 
text files) can have ASCII or ANSI format and some software accepts only 
dxf-files in ANSI format. Now I save dxf-files in ANSI format.

So it might be helpful if you try to convert this text format to ANSI. Or may 
be, in some CAD-software you can switch from one format to the other.

Good luck!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: terence ackland 
  To: sundial@uni-koeln.de 
  Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 2:18 PM
  Subject: Deltacad dxf?

        I downloaded Deltacad 6 and a collection of macros from Mr. Sabanski's 
great website.
        I experimented with a couple of macros and saved them as .dxf. 
        I tried to open these files using both AutoCADR14 and QuickCAD and got 
an error message.
        I then used Sonne218 to produce a dial and saved it as a .dxf which I 
was then able to open in both Autocad programmes as well Deltacad. 
        Is there something I am doing wrong, I'm not a CAD expert?
        Thanks, Terry 

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