On Tue, 1 Mar 2011, Brent wrote:
> I suppose that with people around the world chatting on the the internet maybe
> we will see a cyber time or a virtual time common to the entire earth.

We have had Universal Time for over a century. People still prefer to use
their own local time.

There is a weird psychology in the way we interact with clocks. People
like to have a common point on the clock at which they do things like get
up and go to work. We get uncomfortable if this cultural anchor is
removed, which is why we have DST rather than just telling people to get
up earlier in the summer. David Prerau's book variously titled "Saving the
Daylight" or "Sieze the Daylight" is enlightening.

> Or I suppose we could end up with a decimal time like we discussed earlier.

It isn't just the revolutionary French that tried to decimalize time.
Swatch Internet Time is an interesting example that is both a universal
time and decimalized. It is UTC+1 where each day is divided into 1000
beats. It didn't catch on, of course.

> Maybe it would make more sense for each of us to get in touch with our own
> biological circadian clocks and keep time according to those individual
> rhythms.

Some people have tried sleeping 6 times a week, with a 28 hour cycle. It
can work OK but it's rather anti-social. But it seems that our natural
cycle is only slightly longer than 24h, though varies between people
and is easily extended by exposure to artificial light in the evenings.
We don't have a solid innate circadian rhythm that could give us a better
length of day, even if it made sense to decouple ourselves from the
Earth's diurnal cycle.

> However, these would express time as a fraction of one earth day.
> I wonder if time has to be based on the rotation of the earth?

No, it doesn't: there are a number of alternatives. You can mark time
using any regular oscillator attached to a counter. For a simple
long-running timescale you need a long-running oscillator.

For long time periods we used to use the earth's orbit around the sun and
the moon's orbit around the earth as the oscillators. But observational
calendars are awkward for planning: how many days until Ramadan? So now we
generally use the rotation of the earth for long periods of time as well
as short ones.

In the mid 20th century it became clear that the Earth was not a
sufficiently regular oscillator for precision timekeeping purposes. (It
varies unpredictably because of earthquakes, volcanoes, sea currents,
weather and suchlike.) As a result in 1956 the second was re-defined in
terms of Newcomb's ephemeris, as a fraction of a year. In practice this
meant that the time as measured by accurate clocks was compared to
astronomical observations, in particular the occlusion of stars by the
moon, which provided retrospective corrections for those clocks. These
observations were very time consuming so there was a long delay between
measurements being taken and corrections being published.

At about the same time, atomic clocks were invented. These provide much
more immediate access to accurate frequency and hence to accurate time.
Hence in 1967 the second was re-defined in terms of the frequency of
radiation emitted by the hyperfine transition of caesium - after several
years work to calibrate it to the ephemeris second.

An atomic clock by itself is not necessarily a particularly long-running
device, especially if it is one of the most accurate primary frequency
standards. So TAI (international atomic time) is based on measurements and
comparisons between many clocks in many locations in an ongoing scientific
metrological collaboration. It requires a lot more effort to maintain
than solar time!

There is a serious difficulty with atomic time. The Earth's rotation is
slowing down because of tidal friction. Because of this the length of the
day is increasing by about 1.4ms per century. Since the atomic second was
calibrated to the Earth's rotation speed in 1900, over the course of a
year an atomic clock now runs about half a second fast compared to a clock
running on mean solar time.

In the 1960s, radio time broadcast services used a complicated system of
frequency adjustments and 100ms steps to closely track UT2 (which is the
most uniform timescale based on earth rotation). This was simplified in
1972 to create UTC which we use to this day. Time broadcasts use a fixed
frequency (so they can be used as a frequency reference) and count time at
the same rate as TAI. Every so often (as determined by observations of the
rotation of the Earth) a leap second is inserted to keep UTC within 0.9s
of UT1. UT1 is less uniform than UT2 but it is more directly related to
the Earth rotation angle, so it is more useful for astronomers and others
who want to point an instrument at a particular place in the sky.

For the last 12 years or so there has been an ongoing argument about
whether UTC should become a purely atomic timescale, that is whether to
stop inserting leap seconds. The reason is that leap seconds break the
millenia-old rule of 60 seconds per minute. Most computing systems have a
model of time that fundamentally assumes there are always 86400 seconds in
a day, and it is very difficult to get them to handle leap seonds
gracefully. The risk of disruption matters because, unlike DST changes,
leap seconds are not scheduled to avoid the working day. Many of the
common reasons for needing a precise (15 arc second) measure of earth
rotation angle have disappeared in the last 20 years as astronavigation
has been replaced by satellite navigation.

On the other hand, some systems (telescopes, satellite dishes) that rely
on UTC for an initial estimate of earth rotation angle will need to be
changed so that they can obtain and use the value of UTC-UT1. A lot of the
difficulties could be reduced if leap seconds were more predictable. At
the moment the presence or absence of a leap second is announced about 6
months in advance. Increasing that to several years would make systems
easier to test.

It isn't yet clear whether leap seconds will be stopped or left alone or
announced further in advance or what. The decision is in the hands of the
rather opaque International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunication
Sector, and it is due to be made at the World Radiocommunication
Conference next year.

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
South Utsire, Forties, Cromarty, Forth: Southerly, veering westerly or
northwesterly later, 5 or 6, decreasing 3 or 4 later. Slight or moderate,
occasionally rough in South Utsire, Forties and Cromarty. Rain later. Moderate
or good.

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