Hopefully the  link below will help you.
Note that there is also a special note about this Japanese megaquake.

Aimo Niemi

2011/3/13 J. Tallman <jtall...@artisanindustrials.com>

> Hello All,
> I just saw on the news that the recent quake in Japan shifted the earth's
> axis by 4 inches and that the main island of Japan moved nearly 8 feet.
> Could someone on the list put this into perspective? As an example, I would
> imagine that the legal descriptions for property lines based on precise
> lat/long coordinates now need to be revised - here in SW Ohio the plats in
> the county offices are all described this way.
> I hope any list members, friends or family in Japan are ok but I would like
> to hear some further insight into this incredible event - now that we have
> such precision devices (GPS) it seems like the ongoing shifting of the land
> under the coordinate grid would need to be addressed, right?
> Jim Tallman
> www.artisanindustrials.com
> jtall...@artisanindustrials.com
> 513-253-5497
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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