 Accordingto the state decree this night we have put all Russian clocks one 
hour forwardforever. From this moment we have the year-round DST only witch we 
are toldmakes us to get from 7 to 17% of sunshine more during a year.  It looks 
like truth. But federal TV shows us ahappy farmer who smiles on the background 
of his happy smiling cows and saysthat from now his top model looking dairy 
cattle has no hardship with milkingtimetable. 
 I wonderwho is treated as a fool: TV journalists, cows or I. I share the 
opinion thatfrom ancient time till now any government in any country uses the 
calendar,holidays dates and time kipping method for manipulating the 
 I wonder,is the year-round DST a useful time measuring method indeed or, as 
usual andfor government sake, we just were not informed about some important 
 By the way,when we all discussed the year-round DST I (as a sundial maker) 
tried to lobbyfor a proposal to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's 
and to decreetwo time measure systems. One of them is a state one. Let 
government regulatesindustry, army, airline schedule etc according GMT. The 
other is a private one.The rest of time related question we quite can solve 
with true solar timemeasure method. Of course, my proposal had been spurned. 
But you imagine howmany customers it might bring to all of us. 
Aleks ( 

 PS:  If you like lectures on ghomonic delivered ina language you do not speak, 
please, visit my workshop

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