Harriet James
35 Bradley Road
BA12 8BN
Tel: 01985 216311

On Fri 22/04/11 12:19 PM , Martina Addiscott martina.addisc...@gmail.com sent:
> Is anyone aware of a commercially-available large 'Teaching Sundial',
> whichwould be suitable for fulfilling that part of the UK National Curriculum
> ?
> As many of you no doubt know, sundials are included in the Science
> sectionof that curriculum, but each school decides for themselves how to cover
> it.
> We had originally intended to mark an interactive "analemmatic"
> dial on tothe playground - but our local Educational Authority will not give 
> us
> theirpermission for that, because of the 'health and safety' implications
> (as


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