RE: Are there any commercially-available 'Teaching Sundials', for schools ?

From: John Carmichael 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: Are there any commercially-available 'Teaching Sundials',for 
schools ?

Hi Martina: I’m most curious. How in the world did your local Education 
Authority reach the absurd conclusion that interactive human analemmatics are 
“dangerous for children”.  Do they outlaw hopscotch too?John Carmichael

The answer John, is that over here we still have councils which are managed by 
those who cannot think and whose managers are quite able to demonstrate their 
affliction by declaring anything a heath and safety issue or a practice that 
might offend minorities or both.  Rarely are these ever shown to be valid of 
course yet few seem to learn.  Still, we must look on the bright side.  We 
actually had a success the other day when a van driver was reinstated after his 
council employers had earlier sought to sack him for keeping (and displaying) 
his Palm Sunday Cross in his van.


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