Maybe they need the type of sundial that doesn't cast a shadow but casts a spot of light. That way the kids can be in the shade.

What might be fun for a class is to make a birthday window in the classroom. When a students birthday is approaching ask them to bring in a photo of themselves and stick it to the wall where the sun spot is shining. You could also mark holidays and vacation days, sure to attract the interest of kids.

With their attention on the sunspot you could all watch the solstices come and go and determine the equinoxes. You could also watch the sun spot progress during the day and learn lots about declination.

Simple and cheap to make, big display, and keeps kids safely away from the sunshine.


On 4/23/2011 6:06 AM, wrote:
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain."
Friedrich von Schiller

Gian Casalegno



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