I work at a school and started an environment club last year.  As a solar 
project for the up coming school year I would like the kids to make an 
analemmatic sundial.  I am completely new to sundials and need to learn what I 
can during the summer so I can teach basics to my group of 5th graders next 
year.  The sundial will be painted on the large blacktop area.  I got 
calculations from the website 

I made a small sundial in my driveway and it worked.  I do need to make 
additions for daylight saving.  I have seen two ways: a second set of hour 
points above the first set or making one hour point and have the circle for the 
hour divided in half, one half at the standard hour and the other half daylight 
saving hour.


Has anyone used the above website?  Bill, the person that has been replying to 
email, has been very nice and helpful and recommended me joining here to get 
more information on sundials. Also the North American Sundial Society.

How big would I need to make a sundial for elementary students?  I have a very 
large area to work.

Since I am learning all this too and finding the information can be a bit 
confusing what is the simplest way to teach children?  I want them to see 
different kinds of sundials and make a small ones out of paper.

I look forward to reading the archived threads and learning what I can.

Thank you,




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