Anne, and others, if I decide in the future to sell sundials, I probably
won't do it on a business scale but to cover materials costs. I am the kind
of person who enjoys learning new skills. The majority of the things that
interest me are things our grandparents, specifically our grandmothers, had
to do to survive. Things I refer as survival crafts. I have, over the years,
learned to spin, knit weave, dye, can bake in back yard ovens, dry food in
solar dryers, can and quite a few other things.

Truly, I can see few ways to make Jewelry a part of a garden sundial. I
would certainly not want to place a precious metal or gemstone in my yard.
Though there are some sundials that can be made AS jewelry. But, we are
still talking about something that is not part of my plan.

I came here to learn a new skill, not to create a new business avenue.
Period.  Hope that puts all your minds at ease. There are FAR more skilled
dial makers on this list alone with whom I could not begin to compete for
MANY years.

So, NOW, if we are finished piling on, let's get back to dials.  If someone
else has yet ANOTHER complaint about me, bring it ON. Seems we have spent
MUCH more time complaining about a joke that, believe it or not, included
quite a few more people than myself, than we did on the joke, itself.

So much for the 'friendly, helpful group' I was told I was joining.

Karon Adams
Accredited Jewelry Professional (GIA)
You can send a free Rosary to a soldier!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Behalf Of Anne Lennon
> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 9:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Please may we have our sundial mailing list back
> In message <002901cc5a66$a731e210$f595a630$>
>           "Geoffrey Thurston" <> wrote:
> > I have been an avid reader of and an occasional contributor to this list
> > many years but I am concerned about its present state of health. It has
> > previously been customary for contributors to make a posting (a
question, an
> > answer or a comment) only when they could make a useful contribution to
> > discussion related to sundials and this custom has served to maintain
> > interest and good humour of our debate. Unfortunately, over the last few
> > weeks we have been subjected to a flurry of trivial postings which have
> > resulted in a public resignation, caused offence to readers and led to
> > rancorous postings.
> >
> >
> >
> > I believe it would be healthier for this valuable forum if we reverted
to a
> > system of more considered postings and left the instant exchange of
> > banalities to Twitter and Facebook where they belong.
> >
> >
> >
> > Please take care with the Sundial Mailing List. It is too good to lose.
> >
> >
> >
> > Geoff
> >
> As one of the few women on this Mailing List, I could understand why
> Karon Adams wants to inject some 'fun' into the subject of sundials.
> However, I must agree with other recent postings - that this Mailing
> List should return to its main purpose, which is a serious discussion
> of sundial-related matters (and not just any other trivial subjects).
> If, as I presume, Karon wants to use sundials as a way of increasing
> her business profits - then I would suggest she contacts such people
> as Len Honey ("Science Replicas", E-mail to, or
> maybe Doug Hunt of "Modern Sunclocks", at website
> Both of them, and other members of this List, should be glad to tell
> Karon how to successfully add sundials to her other jewellery items.
> While I have no objection to new members seeking advice on sundials,
> this List should not then be used as a channel for other non-related
> matters - and (like several other people), I would have to seriously
> consider ending my own membership if we do not "get back to basics".
> Sincerely,
> Anne Lennon (Mrs)
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------


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