Is it correct that the “Earth turns 366.25 times a year”. I thought that the 
earth turns 365.25 and we get the extra day because Earth spins around the sun 
once every year. Am I correct? If the Earth didn’t rotate but went around the 
sun then that would give you one day without the Earth even rotating.

Roderick Wall.

Had to think of that for a while! I think the number of days equals the number 
of rotations minus one.

So 366.25 rotations = 365.25 days

If the Earth always kept the same face to the sun, it would rotate once, but 
there would be no days, so one rotation = no days

If the Earth does not rotate at all, there would be one day, but it would be a 
negative one; ie with the sun rising in the west – which it would – just think 
of the sky at night if the Earth didn’t rotate – the sun would rise in the west 
as it moved along the ecliptic... 



* David Widdowson, ASTROVISUALS,   *

* 6 Lind St, Strathmore, 3041, AUSTRALIA 

* Ph/fax: 61- (0)3 - 9379 5753     *



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