
If it is only your intention to use a sundial to find the north, it suffices to combine two dials, a pole style sundial and a analemmatic sundial.
Direct that combination so that both sundials show the same time.
Than they stand directed to the north.
See drawing.

Willy Leenders
Hasselt in Flanders (Belgium)

Visit my website about the sundials in the province of Limburg (Flanders) with a section 'worth knowing about sundials' (mostly in Dutch):

Op 14-okt-2011, om 12:55 heeft Donald Christensen het volgende geschreven:

Thank you for your reply. I'm also glad to hear from somebody that indicates that it can be done.

However, I don't understand your reply. Why do I take out the longitude correction?

A sundial without longitude correction need to factor in both EOT and longitude in order to read it in clock time. A sundial with longitude correction in it only needs to worry about the EOT. I'm going to make a sundial without longitude correction but I will add longitude correction in my spreadsheet. I'll then see if I get the same results.

I understand that it is much more complicated than 2+3=5 Therefore 5-2=3. I'm not trying to be patronizing and I appologize if I offend someone but I don't understand why I can't go backwards as well.

I read my solar compass on April 16 and again on Sept 2 when EOT didn't need to be factored in. My compass worked. Mind you, I didn't take readings throughout the day. (It didn't occur to me that I should) I just noticed that it agreed with another method that I used to find north.

Attached is the spreadsheet saved as Excel 97

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 8:11 PM, fer de vries <> wrote:
I can't open your file because I have an older Excel program.
But I think to have the solution what you want to do.
You set your watch to local suntime.
With that time you are in the field with a sundial.
Seen the pictures that is an analemmatic sundial, corrected for longitude.
The XII is offset from the line of dates.
And I think that is the problem.
You need a sundial that gives local suntime, the time you have in your pocket on the watch.
Rotate the analemmatic dial until it reads the same time as your watch and you have the North South line.
Best wishes, Fer.
Fer J. de Vries
Eindhoven, Netherlands
lat.  51:30 N      long.  5:30 E
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:10 AM
Subject: solar time calculator

Not sure what I’m doing wrong


I wrote a program so that I can set my watch to solar time.


Something is wrong. Either my program is wrong or my sundial is inaccurate.


To use the program


Set your computer accurately to clock time


Run the macro ‘recalc’. This will make the clock on your computer display on the spreadsheet in real time. This will also input today’s date. This date will lookup the EOT and either add or subtract the time


Set your watch to solar time


The purple cell is for troubleshooting. 1 = add the eot values (positive or negative). -1 will subtract these values. Once I figure out which one to use, it will be true for all days. At the moment, neither work


My objective is to make a solar compass that will work for my area only


I’ll simply rotate the sundial that I designed with longitude correction until it agrees with my watch that I set to solar time.


I understand that the EOT has accuracy problems. However, I thought it was accurate enough for what I want it for. I’d like your feedback on that. I’d also like your feedback on whether or not my goal is realistic in spite of the accumulation of small errors such as eot, sundial accuracy, gnomon placement and gnomon perpendicular to the dial

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So there!


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<clock time with EOT.xls>---------------------------------------------------


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