I have not seen this design before.  I like it and I think the public will too.  I think it would be useful.  -Bill

On 11/16/2011 3:46 AM, Mike Cowham wrote:
Dear Sundial Friends,
I have been in contact with a man, Boris Kostov, in Bulgaria whose father has made what he believes to be a unique sundial. He has tried to contact this mailing list but has so far been unsuccessful, so has asked me to forward the information. See attached pictures.
Basically it is a fairly standard design of dial but the innovation is to add the Equation of Time to the gnomon so that when a finger is positioned such that its shadow falls on the central line of the hour scale, it is pointing at today's figure for EoT correction.
He believes that this idea is new and solicits our opinions.
If you have ever seen such a method before or wish to comment, please contact Boris Kostov, silveriu...@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance.
Mike Cowham.



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