Those  are utterly ridiculous reasons for not having an analemmatic sundial at 
school.  Do these schools have no control or supervision over their students?  
It is great to get students outside to learn.  Many people learn better by 
hands-on-learning.  I had planned to make an analemmatic sundial on my school 
bus lot this year but it will have to wait until next fall.  Our principle and 
teachers are excited to have it because it will be used for several different 
lesson by the entire elementary school.  My environmental club made small 
sundials and learned the basics, next year will be the human sundial project.  
Roger Bailey and Mac Oglesby, I have not forgotten you and still all everything 
you gave me to help make the sundial at school.  It will happen.
I would think the ones banning the sundials should be more worried about the 
weapons, drugs, bullying, stealing, and anti-social behavior of their students 
instead being out in the sun too long or fighting over the sundial. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank King <>
To: Reinhold Kriegler <>
Cc: Sundial Mailingliste <>
Sent: Tue, May 15, 2012 1:05 pm
Subject: Re: Why are schools, across the world, 'banning' analemmatic sundials ?

Dear Reinhold,
You write...
  Create a wall of shame with lots
 of funny comments...
Your story is full of drama.  There is
ood news...
  ...Herr Kriegler sei der beste Lehrer an
 der Schule...
Then the bad news...
  ...da hatte dieser Satz die Wirkung eines
 Stichs in ein Wespennest.
Some people suffer a kind of allergic reaction
hen they see an Analemmatic Sundial.  This
eaction sometimes results in serious brain
There must be an evolutionary explanation?
Perhaps, when seeing a user standing on an
nalemmatic sundial looking up and down at
is own shadow, these people are reminded
f a Cobra about to attack?
This brings on a desire to destroy the
nake and its environment.
You can test your own sensitivity when you
ook at this cartoon:
Does this give you a headache?


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