In message <>
          JOHN DAVIS <> wrote:

> Elizabeth is an IoW resident and came to sundials quite late in life.
> Although not a member of the BSS, she has helped considerably in
> chasing out details of her local dials.

If Elizabeth is also interested in modern sundials, (instead of just
older ones) - then there is a nice mosaic 'Analemmatic' layout, which
is in the grounds of "Brading Roman Villa" on the Isle of Wight.

We saw it on a school trip to that location, plus I have 'attached' a
small picture.  If Elizabeth needs specific information, I imagine
that the staff at "Brading Roman Villa" (which is a popular tourist and
educational site) could give more details of this colourful sundial.

Sincerely,  Martina Addiscott.


<<attachment: Brading.jpg>>


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