Title: RV: Greenwich Meridei Redux
On 06/05/2014 14:14, Miguel A. G. Arrando wrote:

As a personal entertainment, few years ago I completed what I call The 0.0 sundial trial.

The idea was to create a sundial route where you can avoid the, always annoying, longitude correction.

Sundials between 0.099°E and 0.099°W were the reference.

That makes a strip of 10.52 miles or 16.93 Km. Aprox. Wide enough to find sundials but without a significant longitude distortion when you read the time (± 24 seconds)

I have recorded the province of Castellón, Spain (where the meridian begins it’s land route up north).

Perhaps somebody wants to extend it up and down.


Miguel A. G. Arrando


Yes, that would be a very good idea.

Richard Mallett
Eaton Bray, Dunstable
South Beds. UK

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