Dear Frank

I can indeed confirm that the clock was stopped at 12. I took the photo at 09.55am. The church on which the clock is mounted had recently been sold and I expect that the new owners has not yet appointed a "Keeper of the Clock"!



----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank King" <>
To: "Dennis Cowan" <>
Cc: "Frank Evans" <>; "Sundial" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: BSS Bulletin

Dear Dennis,

You note:

It also showed the photo in fig 5 of
the article.

Indeed so, and they drew attention to
the clock on the building behind the
empty pedestal, adding words to the
effect that:

 Even with the sundial missing
 experts can still tell the time.

Maybe but, I suspect, not with that
clock.  It looks as though it has
been stopped at 12.

Perhaps you can confirm one way or

Kirkbean is clearly a challenging
place to tell the time unless you
bring along your own equipment!



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