Thanks to everyone who replied with suggestions, both on and off the list. 

When I asked my question, I assumed there was a trivial solution that could be 
simply explained. I realize now that the calculations are not straightforward. 

Roger Bailey has given me an approach that I believe will work for me. I’m now 
trying to understand how the math represents the spatial geometry of the 

The variety of solutions I received are an indication of the broad experience 
and wisdom embodied in this group. I'm always grateful for that asset.

> On Jan 31, 2015, at 10:05 AM, John Goodman <> wrote:
> Dear dialists,
> Does anyone know a formula for calculating the hour angle given the azimuth, 
> declination, and latitude? 
> I’d like to know the time of day, throughout the year, when the sun will be 
> positioned at a particular angle. This will allow me to determine when 
> sunshine will stream squarely through a window on any (sunny) day.
> I’ve seen several formulae for calculating azimuth. I suspect that one of 
> them could be rewritten to solve for the hour angle given the azimuth instead 
> of the finding the azimuth using the hour angle (plus the declination and 
> latitude). Unfortunately, I don’t have the math skills for this conversion.
> Thanks for any suggestions.


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