In message <>
          Dan Uza <> wrote:

> Hello,
> From your experience, what is the best analemmatic sundial size to be set
> up at a children playground? I was thinking about a width of 5.4 meters,
> the base consisting of a row of 4 concrete pavement tiles (40x40 cm) and 12
> other smaller tiles for the hours. Should their surface be more smooth or
> more rugged? Also, can you please share some tips and tricks on how to mark
> the months and hours? I was thinking about applying acrylic paint thorough
> some PVC homemade stencils, but am not sure whether it will withstand
> traffic. Do I need primer or lacquer? In any case, something cheap would be
> great :)
> Your insight is always appreciated.
> Dan Uza
> Romania

Hi, Dan

As you are located in Romania, I suggest you get in touch with the
people at - who specialise in the "Analemmatic"
type of 'Human Sundial', and are not far away from you in Croatia.

There are a lot of 'painted' (and other) layouts on their website,
though you might also want to think about more permanent 'mosaic'.


Martina Addiscott.


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