In message <>
          Helmut Sonderegger <> wrote:

> You can download the free software from my homepage
> But I must tell you that BitDefender supposes my homepage is malware. 
> Therefore I tested my homepage with This 
> page tested my website on 63 antivirus programs and only BitDefender 
> says it is not clean, all others find it to be clean. Until now I could 
> not find the reason why BitDefender judges it as malware.
> Best wishes
> Helmut Sonderegger

Hi, Helmut

Unfortunately, your website has not been created to the agreed international
W3C standards - and it also uses "frames", which have long been 'deprecated'.

It looks like the website has been produced with "HotMetal", (or a similar
page-generating tool), which are well known to produce coding which might
only work on some (but not ALL) 'Browsers' - so you are safer to check all
of your pages via the "W3C Validator", at the URL

Personally, I would get rid of the "hmpro4.dtd" - which appears after the
DOCTYPE declaration, as this seems to seriously 'confuse' that Validator.

I hope it helps, but other people might have some alternative suggestions.


David Andersson.



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