Dear all,
I'm glad to inform you that Orologi Solari n. 8 can now be downloaded from
** <>.

This is the list of articles:

Altitude sundial in Este - Paolo Albéri Auber
Paper sundials - Riccardo Anselmi
Developing a reflection sundial - Gianpiero Casalegno
Sundial design from the measurement of two shadow points - Francesco
"Projective" sundials laboratory (part 1) - Francesc Clarà
The Julian Easter (part 1) - Giuseppe De Donà
An ingenious altitude sundial of guaranteed failure: the "universal"clock
by John Marke (1641 - 1673) - Alessandro Gunella
A sundial on a pyramid - Miloš Nosek
The Waldshut Apolyearth (part 1) - Ives Opizzo
"Operating with the operating nature" The Flora clock in Bacoli (NA) -
Ennia Visentin

As usual a bonus containing related files and programs is also available.

Gian Casalegno

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