Hi all, I have some news.

Since some months I’m working about the new release of Sundial Atlas. It is a 
graphic renovation but overall it provides a new programming approach to get 
the site more efficient and faster.
The internet address will not change and also the links, I am arranging a pdf 
guide to help with the news and I’ll inform you when ready.

This change brings other news:

The new software allows me to accomplish the project of Sundial Atlas with its 
management target.
I will continue as webmaster, until my neurons work in an acceptably way, then 
someone else will replace me, but the management of the atlas will become a 
board, made up of national representatives, giving them all the controls to 
verify and to attend to the sundials of their countries. I have already 
contacts with some of you but I’ll come back to deep these contacts as soon as 
the new software will be ready.

The ‘engine’ of Sundial Atlas may be used for other atlases, it was simply an 
idea but now it is a reality.
At the end of last year, Philip Earis contacted me asking if it was possible to 
realize an atlas of stepwells.
Many stepwells are in India but not only, they are fascinating and spectacular 
architectures and it is the subject of the study of Philip Earis.
Now you can visit www.stepwells.org , the atlas of stepwells. The work on this 
Atlas allowed me to test the new software and now there are more than 300 
stepwells, also in Europe, Africa and America.
Not last, you can get an idea of the new Sundial Atlas (not all features are 
ready and in Stepwell Atlas, obviously, there aren’t the gnomonics functions).
If this subject fascinates you, Philip (pj...@cantab.net) will appreciate every 
contribute to the Stepwell Atlas.

>From this experience I realized I can activate other atlases, aimed to other 
>subjects. If you have any idea these are the main guidelines:
- the subject must have an international spread.
- the website must have cultural purposes, without advertising or commercial 
- a manager is needed, to manage the site, the relationships with the users and 
the collaborators, to choose the graphic and functional options, etc.
- my position is only to housing the website and the software on the server, I 
will not manage the atlas.
Here I don’t deep other details, if someone has specific project please, 
contact me.

ciao Fabio

Fabio Savian
Paderno Dugnano, Milano, Italy
45° 34' 10'' N, 9° 10' 9'' E, GMT+1 (DST +2)

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