--- Begin Message ---
Hi Roger,
                What a fine idea to appeal to the much-needed younger set in 
dialling! I recall manually/digitally enhancing the original Tenniel line 
drawing of a Tove for someone in NASS.

I'll see if it is small enough to attach to an SML message.


----Original Message----

From: rtbai...@telus.net

Date: 11/08/2016 19:02 

To: "Sundial list"<sundial@uni-koeln.de>

Subj: Sundials and Pokémon

The valuable content in Tony's email to the SML is quoted 

"I've just received some nice pictures of the reproduction of a 1773 
dial made originally by Heath and Wing of London which was re-delineated in 
for its new home at Holland College on Prince Edward Island in Canada showing 
six years of interesting patination. A footnote accompanying the pictures tells 
me that the dial has become a prominent feature of the campus but there is now 
'Pokemon Go' creature to be found dancing on it. Ouch!  Tony Moss"
I have witnessed several young people playing Pokémon 
Go around town. Perhaps we can take advantage of this phenomenon and 
increase peoples interest in sundials by encouraging sundials as Pokémon 
locations. Precise locations are available on the web in various sundial 
registries world wide. 
Perhaps we could nominate the the "slithy tove" as a 
wild Pokémon character and the wabe as a Pokémon cell or gym. An image of a 
"slithy tove as it did 
gyre and gimble in the wabe is here. 
Humpty Dumpty reported that "Toves are something like badgers, they're 
something like lizards, and 
they're something like corkscrews. Also they make their nests under sun-dials, 
also they live on cheese." Perhaps the Pokémon toves in the 
southern hemisphere would have counter rotating corkscrew 
Should we forward this modest proposal to 
the Pokémon developer "Niantic Inc" in 
California or the "Pokémon Company" in Japan for 
Roger Bailey
Walking Shadow Designs
Sidney by the Sea 

--- End Message ---

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