In message <409A5DB6999C435096D72116E2BBB906@JohnHP8200>
          "John Pickard" <> wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> You are not the only one who loathes this ”helpful• feature. I almost threw 
> my Samsung Android phone against a wall and jumped on it in sheer frustration 
> at the moronic ”I‘m here to help you• auto spelling correction. I was 
> spending as much time correcting their so-called correction as I was typing 
> in text.
> On my (almost antique) Galaxy IV, the feature is called ”XT9 Predictive Text• 
> described in the manual as: ”XT9 is a predictive text system that has 
> next-letter prediction and regional error correction, which compensates for 
> users pressing the wrong keys on QWERTY keyboards. Note: XT9 is only 
> available when ABC mode is selected. XT9 advanced settings are available only 
> if the XT9 field has been selected.• 
> I forget exactly where this is, but it‘s hidden somewhere.  When you find it 
> and turn it off, your blood pressure will be considerably healthier. 
> There‘s an extraordinary arrogance from the OS designers who assume that the 
> user is wrong, and axiomatically, the OS is right. Why don‘t these people 
> just accept that I can actually spell, and I know what word I want to use. I 
> neither need not want some bloody machine telling me what I‘m thinking. Get 
> the hell out of my life!
> On a similar vein, Bill bloody Gates decided that dates in Word 2007 MUST fit 
> his favourite format, and there is no way to turn off this ”helpful• feature. 
> ARRRRGH! I loathe auto-correct in all its manifestations, and I never use it. 
> Sometimes I wish these programs came with options that allowed people with 
> IQs larger than their shoe sizes to turn off all this unnecessary crap. Live 
> in hope, ...
> Cheers, John
> John Pickard
> From: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 10:34 AM
> To: Steve Lelievre ; graham stapleton 
> Cc: 
> Subject: Re: Circular Spreadsheet Software PS
> I have given up on my Android spell check, sorry for typos. I am beginning to 
> long for the days of the Creed 7B teleprinters, at least they didn't 
> "correct" spelling. 
> Simon 
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

For anybody who is 'frustrated' by their computers - bear in mind that
you do NOT need to be restricted to "Windows", "Apple", or "Android" !

If you are a 'techie', then you have "Linux" - or if (like myself), you
just prefer an Operating System which does what YOU want (not what the
computer may choose), then there is always an option of using "RiscOS".

It is a totally stable and reliable system, which is well-established
within the UK educational system - and is fully compatible with the
"Raspberry Pi" computers, used to teach children about programming.

It is NOT just for Schools, though - as it is also capable of reading
and creating files for OTHER systems, such as universal 'PDF' files.

Programs and files go where YOU want them, and not where your computer
decides to put them - and all aspects are totally under YOUR control,
with no worry about trying to find specific files you are working on.

You would not even need to be concerned about security, just because
that Operating System is inherently IMMUNE to any 'virus' infections.

The available 'software' is as good (if not better) than anything for
"Windows", plus is usually FREE - plus I know of at least one world-
wide Sundial business which exclusively uses that "RiscOS" system,
due to the exceptional graphics-design capabilities which it offers.

Even if you simply wanted 'picture enhancement' software, then those
free programs available for "RiscOS" will beat "PhotoShop" anyday !

Some 'emulators' are available, for "RiscOS" - if you wanted to run
such software on a typical "Windows" computer, so you can try it out.

However, those may only offer things like "VRPC" or "RPCemu" - which
would not match the capabilities, of any modern "RiscOS" machines !


Linda Reid.



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