Thank you--Yes that's the article that I quoted, and from which I got the
diagram that I posted here.

That's the article that doesn't really explain anything.

It shows a picture of a Capuchin dial (figure 1), and also a diagram of an
orthographic projection of the celestial sphere (figure 2). Its explanation
basically consists of saying that figure 2 looks like figure 1.

But, for one thing, of course it doesn't.

For one thing,

1. In figure 2, the parallel lines are parallel to the horizon. In figure
1, the parallel lines in the bottom half-circle are perpendicular to the
direction of the sun.

2. In figure 2, the small circle to the left is centered within the sun's
extreme diurnal positive and negative altitudes, at the depicted solar

...but, in figure 1, it's the circle with the parallel lines is just
centered at the middle of the page.

3. In figure 2, the sun is shown at a southern declination, something that
is  seemingly in disagreement with figure 1.

But all that is aside from the fact that the article just doesn't give an
explanation, other than its handwaving reference to the alleged similarity
of figure 1 and figure 2.

Anyway, yes, that's the article to which I was referring. So my question
is, "What would be a genuine explanation and justification for the
construction of the Capuchin and Universal Capuchin dials?

Michael Ossipoff

2017-05-09 15:49 GMT-04:00 Putowsky via sundial <>:

> Diese Nachricht wurde eingewickelt um DMARC-kompatibel zu sein. Die
> eigentliche Nachricht steht dadurch in einem Anhang.
> This message was wrapped to be DMARC compliant. The actual message
> text is therefore in an attachment.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Putowsky <>
> To: Michael Ossipoff <>
> Cc: sundial list <>
> Bcc:
> Date: Tue, 9 May 2017 21:49:58 +0200
> Subject: Re: Construction-Principle of Capuchin & Universal Capuchin
> Dials???
> Here is the complete article.
> 55...49S/0000054.000.html
> On May 9, 2017, at 8:50 PM, Michael Ossipoff <>
> wrote:
> I'm not asking about the *instructions *for constructing Capuchin and
> Universal Capuchin dials. I'm asking about the principle, the explanation,
> the justification, for their construction.
> Some websites have said or implied that it has to do with an orthographic
> planisphere. I'm familiar with the use of a universal planisphere, an
> azimuthal projection of the celestial sphere in equatorial-aspect.  ...but
> it isn't entirely clear how that relates to the Capuchin dials.
> I found a handwaving explanation on the web. I've pasted its diagram, and
> some of its "explanation", below in this e-mail.
> The explanation says that the diagram below, an orthographic projection of
> the celestial-sphere, looks just like a Capuchin dial.  And that's supposed
> to be an explanation.
> So, how does an orthographic projection of the celestial-sphere lead to a
> justification and explanation of the construction of a Capuchin or
> Universal Capuchin dial?
> Can anyone here explain that? If so, the explanation would be appreciated.
> Michael Ossipoff
> <image.png>
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------

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