
I seem to recall that sec^2(x)=1+tan^2(x)

Therefore sec^2(lat).sec^2(dec)=(1+tan^2(lat)).(1+tan^2(dec))


=(1+tan dec tan lat)^2 + (tan dec - tan lat)^2

I guess that this relationship, which is just a variant of sin^2+cos^2=1,
should have been known to the dial designer.


On 15 May 2017 at 16:32, Michael Ossipoff <email9648...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the Regiomontanus slide.
> Then the original designer of that dial must have just checked out the
> result of that way of setting the bead, by doing the calculation to find
> out if
> squrt((1+tan dec tan lat)^2 + (tan dec - tan lat)^2)) = sec lat sec dec,
> as a trial-and error trial that?
> Or, I don't know, is that a trigonometric fact that would be already known
> to someone who is really experienced in trig?
> -----------------------
> What's the purpose of the lower latitude scale, on the dial shown in that
> slide?
> ------------------------
> When I described my folded-cardboard portable equatorial-dial, I
> mis-stated the declination arrangement:
> Actually, the sliding paper tab (made by making two slits in the bottom of
> the tab, and fitting that onto an edge of the cardboard) is positioned via
> date-markngs along that edge. The declination reading, and therefore the
> azimuth, is correct when the shadow of a certain edge of the tab,
> perpendicular to the cardboard edge on which it slides, just reaches the
> hour-scale on the surface that's serving as a quarter of an Disk-Equatorial
> dial.
> Actually, that dial was intended as an emergency backup at sea, where
> there would always be available a horizon by which to vertically orient the
> dial.
> The use of a plumb-bob for that purpose was my idea, because, on land
> there often or usually isn't a visible horizon, due to houses, trees, etc.
> Maybe, in really flat land, even without an ocean horizon, even a
> land-horizon could be helpful, but such a horizon isn't usually visible in
> most places on land.
> But then, with the plumb-line, it's necessary to keep the vertical surface
> parallel to the pendulum-string, and keep the pendulum-string along the
> right degree-mark, while making sure that the declination-reading is right,
> when reading the time.
> ...Four things to keep track of at the same time.   ...maybe making that
> the most difficult-to-use portable dial.
> With the Equinoctical Ring-Dial, the vertical orientation, about both
> horizontal axes, is automatically achieved by gravity, so only time and
> declination need be read.
> And, with a pre-adjustable altitude-dial, only the sun-alignment shadow
> and the time need to be read.
> With my compass tablet-dials, one mainly only had to watch the compass and
> the time-reading. Of course it was necessary to hold the dial horizontal,
> without a spirit-level, but that didn't keep them from being accurate.
> Michael Ossipoff
> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Fred Sawyer <fwsaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Michael,
>> See the attached slide from my talk.  All the various dials work with a
>> string of this length.  They vary simply in where the suspension point is
>> placed.  The pros and cons of the various suspension points were part of my
>> presentation.
>> Fred Sawyer
>> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Michael Ossipoff <email9648...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> When I said that there isn't an obvious way to measure to make the
>>> plumb-line length equal to sec lat sec dec, I meant that there' s no
>>> obvious way to achieve that *with one measurement*.
>>> I was looking for a way to do it with one measurement, because that's
>>> how the use-instructions say to do it.
>>> In fact, not only is it evidently done with one measurement, but that
>>> one measurement has the upper end of the plumb-line already fixed to the
>>> point from which it's going to be used, at the intersection of the
>>> appropriate latitude-line and declination-line.
>>> That's fortuitous, that it can be done like that, with one measurement,
>>> and using only one positioning of the top end of the plumb-line.
>>> But of course it's easier, (to find) and there's an obviously and
>>> naturally-motivated way to do it, with *two* measurements, before
>>> fixing the top-end of the plumb-line at the point where it will be used.
>>> The line from that right-edge point (from which the first horizontal is
>>> drawn) to the point where the appropriate latitude-line intersects the
>>> vertical has a length of sec lat.
>>> So, before fixing the top end of the plumb-line where it will be used
>>> from, at the intersection of the appropriate lat and dec lines, just place
>>> the top end of the plumb line at one end of that line mentioned in the
>>> paragraph before this one, and slide the bead to the other end of that
>>> line.   ...to get a length of thread equal to sec lat.
>>> Then, have a set of declination marks at the right edge, just like the
>>> ones that are actually on a Regiomontanus dial, except that the lines from
>>> the intersection of the first horizontal and vertical lines, to the
>>> declination (date) marks at the right-margins are shown.
>>> Oh, but have that system of lines drawn a bit larger, so that the origin
>>> of the declination-lines to the right margin is a bit farther to the left
>>> from the intersection of the first horizontal and the first vertical.
>>> ...but still on a leftward extension of the first horizontal.
>>> That's so that there will be room for the 2nd measurement, the
>>> measurement that follows.
>>> And have closely spaced vertical lines through those diagonal
>>> declination-lines to the right margin.
>>> So now lay the thread-length that you've measured above, along the first
>>> horizontal, with one end at the origin of the declination-lines to the
>>> margin.
>>> Note how far the thread reaches, among the closely-spaced vertical lines
>>> through those margin declination-lines.
>>> Now measure, from the origin of the margin declination-lines along the
>>> appropriate margin declination-line, to that one of the closely-spaced
>>> vertical lines that the thread reached in the previous paragraph.
>>> With the left end of the thread at the origin of the margin
>>> declination-lines, slide the bead along the thread to that vertical line.
>>> That will give a thread length, from end to bead, of sec lat sec dec.
>>> ...achieved in the easy (to find) way, by two measurements, before
>>> fixing the thread (plumb-line) end to the point from which it will be used.
>>> I wanted to mention that way of achieving that end-to-bead
>>> thread-length, to show that it can be easily done, and doesn't depend on
>>> the fortuitous way that's possible and used by the actual Regiomontanus
>>> dial, whereby only one thread-length measurement is needed, and the only
>>> positioning of the thread-end is at the point from which it will be used.
>>> Having said that, I suppose it would be natural for someone to look for
>>> a fortuitous way that has the advantages mentioned in the paragraph before
>>> this one.
>>> And I suppose it would be natural to start the trial-and-error search
>>> from the thread-end position where the thread will eventually be used, to
>>> have the advantage of only one thread-end positioning.
>>> One would write formulas for the distance of that point to various other
>>> points, with those distances expressed in terms of sec lat and sec dec
>>> (because sec lat sec dec is the sought thread-length).
>>> And I suppose it would be natural to start that trial-and-error search
>>> by calculating the distance from there to the right-margin end of the first
>>> horizontal, and points on the right margin...because that's still an empty
>>> part of the dial card.
>>> And, if you started with that, you'd find the fortuitous method that the
>>> actual Regiomontanus dial uses, to achieve the desired end-to-bead
>>> thread-length.
>>> (But, if that didn't do it, of course you might next try other
>>> distances. And if you didn't find a one-measurement way to do it (and can't
>>> say that you'd expect to), then of course you could just use the naturally
>>> and obviously motivated 2-measurement method that I described above).
>>> The distance calculations needed, to look for that fortuitous,
>>> easier-to-do (but not to find) one-measurement method are relatively big
>>> calculations with longer equations with more terms.
>>> ----------------------
>>> By the way, I earlier mentioned that I'd verified for myself, by
>>> analytic geometry, that the Regiomontanus dial agrees with the formula that
>>> relates time, altitude, declination and latitude. That involved big (maybe
>>> page-filling, it seems to me) equations with lots of terms. When a
>>> proposition is proved in that way, that proof shows that the proposition is
>>> true, but it doesn't satisfyingly show why it's true, what makes it true.
>>> The naturally and obviously motivated construction that I've described
>>> here is much better in that regard.
>>> The only part that gets elaborately-calculated is the finding of that
>>> fortuitous, easy to do (but not easy to find) way to get the right
>>> thread-length with only one measurement, when the thread-end is already
>>> positioned for use.
>>> But, as I mentioned, the desired end-to-bead thread-length can be easily
>>> achieved by the obviously and naturally-motivated two-measurement method
>>> that I described above.
>>> Michael Ossipoff
>>> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 9:23 PM, Michael Ossipoff <
>>> email9648...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> When I said that the vertical hour-lines should be drawn at distance,
>>>> to the left, from the middle vertical line, that is proportional to the
>>>> cosine of the hour-angle...
>>>> I should say *equal to* the cosine of the hour-angle, instead of
>>>> proportional to it.
>>>> ...where the length of the first horizontal line, from the right edge
>>>> to the point where the vertical line is drawn, is one unit.
>>>> Michael Ossipoff
>>>> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Michael Ossipoff <
>>>> email9648...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Fred--
>>>>> Thanks for your answer. I'll look for Fuller's article.
>>>>> One or twice, I verified for myself, by analytic geometry, that the
>>>>> Universal Capuchin Dial agrees with the formula that relates altitude,
>>>>> time, declination and latitude.
>>>>> But that wasn't satisfying. Verifying a construction isn't the same as
>>>>> finding one. Without knowing in advance what the construction and use
>>>>> instructions are, I don't know of a way to design such a dial.
>>>>> ...or how the medieval astronomers and dialists arrived at it.
>>>>> But there's an exasperatingly tantalizing approach that gets
>>>>> partway.   ...based on the formula for time in terms of altitude, latitude
>>>>> and declination:
>>>>> cos h = (sin alt - sin lat sin dec)/(cos dec cos lat)
>>>>> Dividing each term of the numerator by the denominator:
>>>>> cos h = sin alt/(cos dec cos lat) - tan lat tan dec
>>>>> If, in the drawing of the dial, the sun is toward the right, and you
>>>>> tip the device upward on the right side to point it at the sun, then the
>>>>> plum-line swings to the left, and the distance that the plum-bob moves to
>>>>> the left is the length of the thread (L)  times sin alt.
>>>>> So that seems to account for the sin alt, at least tentatively.
>>>>> Constructing the dial, if you draw a horizontal line in  from a point
>>>>> on the right-hand, side a distance L equal to the length of that thread,
>>>>> then draw a vertical line there, and then, from that side-point, draw 
>>>>> lines
>>>>> angled upward by various amounts of latitude, then each line will meet the
>>>>> vertical line a distance of L tan lat, up from the first (horizonal) line.
>>>>> So the distance from the horizontal line, up the vertical line to a
>>>>> particular latitude-mark is L tan lat.
>>>>> At each latitude-mark, make a horizontal line.
>>>>> From the bottom of that vertical line, where it meets the horizontal
>>>>> line, draw lines angled to the right from the vertical line by various
>>>>> amounts of declination. Draw them up through all the horizontal lines.
>>>>> Because a latitude-line is L tan lat above the original bottom
>>>>> horizontal line, then the distance to the right of the vertical line, at
>>>>> which one of the declination-lines meets that latitude-line is L tan lat
>>>>> tan dec.
>>>>> That's where we fix the upper end of the plumb-line. Then, when we tip
>>>>> the instrument up on the right, to point at the sun, and the plumb-bob
>>>>> swings, its distance to the left of the middle will be:  sin alt - tan lat
>>>>> tan dec.
>>>>> That's starting to look like the formula.
>>>>> Maybe it would be simpler to just say that L is equal to 1.
>>>>> But we want sin alt/(cos lat cos dec).
>>>>> The instructions for using the Universal Capuchin dial talk about
>>>>> adjusting the distance of the bead from the top of the string before using
>>>>> the dial, and that's got to be how you change sin alt to sin alt/(cos lat
>>>>> cos dec).
>>>>> I guess I could study how that's done, by reading the construction and
>>>>> use instructions again.
>>>>> I guess you'd want to make the plumb-line's length equal to sec lat
>>>>> sec dec instead of 1.   ...and there must be some way to achieve that by
>>>>> adjusting the bead by some constructed figure, as described in the
>>>>> use-instructions.
>>>>> But it isn't obvious to me how that would be done--especially if that
>>>>> bead-adjustment is to be done after fixing the top-end of the plumb-line 
>>>>> in
>>>>> position.
>>>>> Maybe it would be easier if the bead-adjustment is done before fixing
>>>>> the top end of the plumb-line, so that you know where you'll be measuring
>>>>> from. I don't know.
>>>>> And then there's the matter of cos h.
>>>>> Just looking at afternoon...
>>>>> Because positive h is measured to the right from the
>>>>> meridian--afternoon---and because, the later the afternoon hour, the lower
>>>>> the sun is--then, in the afternoon, it seems to make sense for a larger
>>>>> bead-swing to the left to represent an earlier hour...an hour angle with a
>>>>> larger cosine.
>>>>> I guess, for afternoon, the vertical hour lines are positioned to the
>>>>> left of middle by distance proportional to the cosine of the hour-angle.
>>>>> -------------
>>>>> So, this isn't an explanation, but just a possible suggestion of the
>>>>> start of an explanation.
>>>>> Maybe it can become an explanation.
>>>>> But I still have no idea how an orthographic projection leads to the
>>>>> construction of the Universal Capuchin dial.
>>>>> (If a Capuchin dial isn't universal, it loses a big advantage over the
>>>>> Shepard's dial, or the related  Roman Flat altitude dial.)
>>>>> Michael Ossipoff
>>>>> On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 3:47 PM, Fred Sawyer <fwsaw...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Take a look at A.W. Fuller's article Universal Rectilinear Dials in
>>>>>> the 1957 Mathematical Gazette.  He says:
>>>>>> "I have repeatedly tried to evolve an explanation of some way in
>>>>>> which dials of this kind may have been invented.  Only recently have I 
>>>>>> been
>>>>>> satisfied with my results."
>>>>>> The rest of the article is dedicated to developing his idea.
>>>>>> Note that it's only speculation - he can't point to any actual
>>>>>> historical proof.  That's the problem with this whole endeavor; there is 
>>>>>> no
>>>>>> known early proof for this form of dial - either in universal or specific
>>>>>> form.  (It seems that the universal form probably came first.)
>>>>>> It was published in 1474 by Regiomontanus without proof.  He does not
>>>>>> claim it as his own invention and in fact refers to an earlier 
>>>>>> unidentified
>>>>>> writer.  There has been speculation that he got it from Islamic scholars 
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> but nothing has been found in Islamic research that would qualify as a
>>>>>> precursor.  The dial is somewhat similar to the navicula that may have
>>>>>> originated in England - but that dial is only an approximation to correct
>>>>>> time.
>>>>>> In discussing this history, Delambre says:
>>>>>> "All the authors who have spoken of the universal analemma, such as
>>>>>> Munster, Oronce Fine, several others and even Clavius, who demonstrates 
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> at great length, contented themselves with giving the description of it
>>>>>> without descending, as Ozanam says, to the level of demonstration."
>>>>>> "At this one need not be surprised, seeing that it rests on very
>>>>>> hidden principles of a very profound theory, such that it seems that it 
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> reserved to [Claude Dechalles] to be able to penetrate the obscurity."
>>>>>> So Dechalles gave what was evidently the first proof in 1674 - 200
>>>>>> years after Regiomontanus' publication.  But as Delambre further notes:
>>>>>> Dechalles’ proof … is long, painful and indirect, … without shedding
>>>>>> the least light on the way by which one could be led to [the dial’s] 
>>>>>> origin.
>>>>>> So - pick whichever proof makes sense for you.
>>>>>> Fred Sawyer
> ---------------------------------------------------
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