Just a guess, but might San 1790 be a misinterpretation of F.an 1790 (an
abbreviation of Fecit anno 1790). This would then match Mrs Gatty's
description pretty well.


On 20 June 2017 at 10:53, Patrick Powers <patrick_pow...@compuserve.com>

> Hello all,
> It’s always interesting to look a little further into an old sundial –
> especially when it is one that is one of the lesser-known ones and is of
> some age too.
> This is true of a lovely dial set up in 1790 in Grantham, UK. [Grantham 
> appeared
> as early as 1086 in the Domesday Book and was of course the place where
> Isaac Newton was first educated].
> The dial of interest is a West Declining Dial which was partially
> ‘restored’ in 1968 but which restoration has left a number of questions
> behind.
> I would be interested to hear of any others’ comments about the various
> examples of restoration ‘drift’ and other oddities that are evident on this
> dial.
> My initial summary about the dial can be found via a link on the *SunInfo*
> Web Page (www.bit.ly/suninfo) or more directly at http://www.ppowers.com/
> grantham.htm.
> What might the letters ‘San’ mean?, is the motto unique in the UK? and why
> were the declination lines not restored too?, all come to mind.
> [image: image]
> Patrick Powers
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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