Dear colleagues,

The Wuerttemberg State Museum at Stuttgart holds a rather rich
collection of instruments, among them many portable sundials. A
scientific catalogue of the sundial collection, compiled by Juergen
Hamel and Irmgard Muesch, has appeared today as vol. 63 of "Acta
Historica Astronomiae":

The catalogue describes 118 objects by texts in German and by
photographs (one or more pictures in colour of each object). Among them
are also several rare and very interesting objects.

Some of the objects are also described in the digital catalogue of the
(search for "Sonnenuhr"). However, the descriptions in the book are more
extended. The printed catalogue contains also registers of the types (17
main types + 6 sub-types), of the 55 makers, of other names mentioned in
the descriptions, and of the proveniences.

Best regards,

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